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School Clubs

We offer a wide-range of extra-curricular activities and clubs here at New Scotland Hill.  Information is sent home at the start of term to let parents know about the activities on offer. 

Over the course of the school year, our range of activities and clubs includes:

  • Sports (including: Football, Girls' Football, Cross-Country, Netball, Tag-Rugby, Cricket, Athletics, Gymnastics)
  • Drama
  • Choir
  • Art
  • Gardening
  • Board games
  • Paper engineering
  • Cookery

Our current clubs for the Spring Term include:

  • Choir, for years 1-6 on Monday lunchtime
  • Street Dance, for years 2-4, Monday after school
  • Top Secret Readers, for years 1-6, Monday after school
  • Art, for years 5-6, Monday after school
  • Piano and Singing lessons, Tuesday mornings
  • Drama, for years 3-6, Tuesday after school
  • Gardening, for years 3-6, Tuesday after school
  • Woodwind lessons, Wednesday mornings
  • Football, for years 1-2, Wednesday lunchtime
  • Football training, for years 3-6, Wednesday after school
  • Cross Country, for years 3-6, Thursday before school
  • Football, for years 3-6, Thursday and Friday lunchtimes
  • Girls' football, for Years 5-6, Thursday after school

In addition to clubs, we also offer wider opportunities to our children through various roles, responsibilities and positions in school.  These include:

  • Play Leaders
  • Work Experience
  • Reading Ambassadors
  • Digital Leaders
  • Sports Ambassadors
  • School Council
  • House Captains

All of these positions come with great responsibility and involve the children applying and being interviewed for these roles.