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Outdoor Learning

At New Scotland Hill, outdoor learning is a core element of our curriculum.  The opportunity to take learning outside is fundamental to our pupils' well-being and learning; planned adventurous activities sit alongside the spontaneous moments where learning can be enhanced through taking it out of the classroom door.

Outdoor learning is not an additional treat on top of our core offer - it is at the heart of all that we do and part of our 'make-up' as a school.  Whether at home on the hill, exploring across the heath, or seizing the moment to take a learning opportunity outside, it is a non-negotiable that our children will experience a curriculum rooted in the outdoors.

Our Vision for Outdoor Learning:

‘Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.' - T.S Elliot

‘The natural world is the source of so much in life that makes life worth living.’ -  Sir David Attenborough

At New Scotland Hill we want children to embrace Outdoor Learning, experiencing real opportunities, which allow curiosity about the world to nurture a lifelong love of learning. Our beautiful and extensive grounds provide capacity for a diverse range of progressive and creative activities in all subjects from maths to art.

Outdoor learning strives to make the most of this resource, as we value and appreciate that being outside regularly allows children to connect with the natural world, enhancing their emotional wellbeing in a mindful way. Our outdoor learning is embedded within our curriculum and endeavours to foster skills for life such as  teamwork, communication, resilience, perseverance, confidence and self-esteem. Outdoor Learning plays a crucial role in inspiring our pupils to achieve their full potential, both academically and socially, setting them onto the path to success as they move onto secondary school and beyond.

New Scotland Hill Outdoor Classroom Competition Bid