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Governing Body

Welcome to the Governors' section!

Welcome to the New Scotland Hill Primary School and Nursery website from the Governing Body.

The Governing Body consists of 12 Governors and includes parents, staff, members from the local community and from the Local Authority. The Headteacher is a member and as the most senior teacher is responsible for the day to day running of the school. The Governing Body works hard to support the Headteacher, teaching staff and pupils with the aim of ensuring that New Scotland Hill Primary School is the best that it can be.

All our Governors have their own careers and responsibilities but they dedicate time to the school when they are able. Our Governors bring a wealth of different experience to the Governing Body including financial expertise, strategic planning and more practical skills. All are highly valued!

As well as sharing a common desire to be involved in supporting the school, the Governing Body have statutory duties by which they are legally bound. These include setting targets for pupil achievement, managing the school's finances, making sure the curriculum is balanced, appointing senior staff, reviewing staff and deciding how, in strategic terms, the school should be run. In short, the Governing Body has a responsibility for the conduct of the school with a view to promoting high standards of educational achievement.

The Governors are interested in the views of the school community and if you wish to contact us this can be done via the school office.

We hope you find our website full of useful information. Do let us know!

Darren Abbott

Co-Chair of Governors 

Instrument of Government

Contact Details

Any comments or queries should be addressed to the Clerk to Governors.