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Welcome to Nursery

Here you will find all the information you need to know about the learning taking place in Nursery:

Helpful Reminders: 


Nursery is taught by Mrs Saunders from Tuesday to Friday and Mrs Dhariwal and Mr Boardman on Mondays. The class is supported by Mrs Kibble and Mrs Webster. 


Please send your child to Nursery each day with a named water bottle, lunch box (if they are having a packed lunch) and a small bag containing a change of clothes and any nappies/ wipes if necessary, which they can leave on their peg. It would be useful to have a spare pair of named wellington boots which can be left at school. During the colder months, please ensure your child has a warm coat with them every day. 

Food and drink

Children are provided with a piece of fresh fruit each morning, so there is no need to send in a snack. A carton of milk is also provided in the afternoon. Please let me know of any allergies/ intolerances if you have not done so already.

For those children staying for lunch, you have the option of sending in a lunch box or ordering a school meal. Please can you ensure that lunch boxes are nut free and any small items which may cause a choking risk such as grapes or cocktail sausages and cut in half lengthwise. Juice or squash is fine in lunch boxes but we do ask for water only to be in the bottle the children access throughout the day.


We have an outdoor learning session on Monday mornings and a PE session on Thursday mornings. On both days, children are asked to come into school wearing practical clothing and footwear (e.g. joggers/ leggings, trainers) with long hair tied back and earrings removed.


We will visit the library every Tuesday and children will choose a book to take home and share. 


We use Tapestry, which is an online learning journey of your child’s progress. We will record any ‘Wow’ moments in school and ask for you to add anything exciting you have been doing at home; whether it is a trip to the park, family day out or other special occasion. We give the children an opportunity to share these updates with their class, which helps to develop communication skills and self-confidence.


Our topics in the Autumn term are:

  • Settling In
  • Magical, Marvellous Me
  • Amazing Autumn

The EYFS curriculum is broken down into the seven areas of learning:

Physical Development

  • Working on developing fine motor skills to support children’s ability to dress/undress unaided (e.g buttons, zips etc).
  • Developing cutting skills.
  • Building confidence moving in a range of ways such as slithering, rolling, skipping and hopping.

Personal Social and Emotional Development

  • Development of good relationships with peers and familiar adults.
  • Behaviour expectations and boundaries.
  • Recognition of own feelings and how their actions can affect others.


  • Reciting and working with numbers up to 10/20
  • Careful counting of objects.
  • Understanding and using positional language.
  • Ordering lengths and heights.


  • Rhyming and rhythmic activities.
  • Awareness of rhyme and alliteration.
  • Sharing of books, focusing on children’s ability to anticipate key events in stories.
  • Letter formation, segmenting for writing and blending for reading.

Expressive Art and Design

  • Dancing and ring games.
  • Moving rhythmically.
  • Engaging in imaginative role play based on own experiences.
  • Using various construction materials and tools for effective purpose.

Understanding the World

  • Similarities and differences in relation to friends or family.
  • Talking about significant events in their own experience.
  • Working with technological toys and real objects (cameras and computers).

Communication and Language

  • Listening skills.
  • Following instructions.
  • Looking at vocabulary related to people and objects that are of particular importance to them.
  • Sharing of stories and rhymes, focusing on children’s ability to join in with repeated refrains and phrases.

Mrs Saunders, Mrs Kibble and Mrs Webster

For general communication e.g. lost jumper, change to lunch order etc, please contact the class teacher using the messaging function on Tapestry.  

For more significant concerns or worries, please email with FAO Mrs Saunders in the subject.

Any changes to school pick up should go through the school office.